At the timeless beginning, before the foundation of the world, Matt. 13:35
there was no darkness at all, only light because the person in existence is God,
who is Light, 1 John 1:5-7. Even the first set of beings He created reflected His
glory, the physical and spiritual light that shone all over the universe.
Indeed the fellow who later became the progenitor of darkness, Lucifer, was
originally an angel of light which is why He was the great conductor and
organizer of the mass choir in the heavenly sanctuary. The unique material with
which this “anointed cherub” created is a reflection of God’s matchless
ingenuity and unrivalled wisdom, Ezek. 28:13-14, Rom. 11:33.
But Lucifer overreached himself, following the adulation of the angelic host,
and possibly the creator Himself, on account of his outstanding musical
performance at the sanctuary. He attempted to unseat God, which is treason,
whether in heaven or on earth, Isaiah 14:12-14. The consequence, an archangel
of God exchanged his light for darkness. So also were his supporters, one third
of the angelic host, who along with satan, his new name, were driven out of
heaven, to languish in the earth, Rev. 12:3-4, 7-10, Luke 10:17-18 which is
why, when God decided to create man He had to shed His light on the earth, for
at two reasons.
(i) To provide a conducive atmosphere for man so that he can survive and grow
(ii) To limit the powers of darkness to at least give man a choice – to grow
accept the obedience and discipline offered by the creator or the deceptive
life of ease offered by satan, Gen. 2:15-17; Gen. 3:1-5
As soon as Adam gave in to satanic trickery he and His descendants, in effect,
submitted themselves to darkness, which distanced them from God and His
saving Grace.
They needed a deliverer.
The deliverer is Jesus, the light from heaven John 8:12, the one who came to
shine His light into the darkness in our lives. His manifesto makes this clear,
Lk. 4:18
Satan recognized the fact that the birth of Christ was a new development, one
that would put an end to His position as the Prince of this World, the source of
darkness, John 12:31. His reaction to the news of the birth of the Prince of
Peace, Isaiah 9:6, was to attempt to kill him even before His reign began. He
failed utterly, Matt. 2:1-12.
The second attempts was the Temptation. The three satanic
suggestions/commands were a foolish attempt to make Christ to submit to his
authority. Jesus was hungry, after fasting for 40 days and forty nights, but He
would not turn stone to bread to satisfy His hunger – that would simply hand
over victory to the evil one.
The next temptation was a command, that Jesus should worship him in
exchange for the kingdoms of this world, which he said, had been delivered to
him. Jesus would not worship this false king.
The third temptation was designed to make Jesus jump down from a mountain
top on the assumption that the Father would send His angels to rescue Him.
Jesus rebuked him Luke 4:1-13
The devil was not satisfied as He waited for other opportunity, at a later date, to
achieve his objective.
One way of terminating the Jesus ministry was to use Peter, a leading Disciple,
to persuade Jesus to rethink the idea of going to Jerusalem, to suffer and be
killed, even if He would resurrect on the third day. That was the purpose of His
mission to the world, to deliver and save those who believe Him, John 3:16-17.
Satan knew that if Jesus was crucified even, if unjustly, He would be a victor
and His glory would be eternal while the devil would be the loser, I John 3:8-9;
Matt. 16:21-23. But Jesus understood what He was up to and warned Peter not
to submit to his tricks as Adam did to his eternal regret, Gen. 3:23-24.
We are all beneficiaries of His divine focus, His determined progression to
Jerusalem, despite His foreknowledge of His suffering and shame on the cross.
After His resurrection He turned His disciples, including you and me, into the
light of the world that darkness cannot withstand. Which is why event today the
Gospel message still heals the sick and delivers the oppressed, to the shame of
satan, I John 3:8.
He gave us power to pray in His name and receive whatever we ask for
provided we do so in faith, John 16:23-24
He reconciled us to the Father so that we may not perish but enjoy His company
now and in eternity, Rom. 5:9-11 while the evil one and his followers wallow in
the Lake of fire forever, Rev. 20:10, 14