
To restore ordinarily means to give back to someone from whom something

valuable has been taken away, sometimes unlawfully, as in the case of Zaccheus the

Tax Collector, Luke 19:8.

But God is not Zaccheus. Unlike man, He is not prone to sin. Never. He does not take

away from anyone what belongs to him except as punishment for sin, which is

understandable because His righteousness prevents Him from condoning sin in any

form, John 9:31, Jer. 9:23-24.

As creator He gave man dominion Ps. 8:6, over everything else He made on earth,

Gen. 1:26-28. Moreover, He allowed Adam to name these other creatures including

His wife who he called “Woman”, Gen. 2:23.

What a privilege! What uncommon generosity! What an act of mercy, for someone,

according to David, the great Psalmist, He had made “… a little lower than the

angels”, Ps. 8:5.

However, despite God’s fatherly warning to Adam, Gen. 2:17, he took His love and

care for granted. He gave in to satan’s tricks and lost all that God had invested in

him-his place of comfort and, above all, his dominion, Gen. 3:1-6, 17-19. He became

a refugee from the Garden specially made for him and his wife, Gen. 3:23-24.

Whatever effort man made thereafter, to return to God, was futile. He could not

fully obey the Mosaic Law, which was designed by God himself, Ex. 20:1-17, John

7:19. And even when the Jewish leaders sought to implement it they emphasized

the letter and ignored the spirit of the Law.

A clear example was the Sabbath which was held as sacrosanct even when the work

of mercy called for its breach, John 7:21-24. The woman accused of committing

adultery was dragged before Jesus but not the man who committed the act with

her, John 8:3-11. Under the Mosaic Law both were supposed to have been guilty,

Ex. 20:14, Lev. 20:10.

The sins of man actually multiplied when what was required was repentance. Many

of the priests and prophets sent by God to preach the values of righteousness were

ignored or killed, Matt. 23:30-31.

Although He is a God of judgment He never really gave up on man. He finally tried

to reconcile him to Himself, by sending His only begotten son to redeem man to

Himself, I Cor. 15:45-47. He still desires that His own beloved creation should return

to spiritual Eden. That is restoration. The One who sits on the Mercyseat is still

waiting for the New man. He will elevate him to a position of honour and glory. He

will judge the angels, I Cor. 6:3.